[Email Course] 30 Days to Montessori at Home
This product is a 30-day mini-email course for parents. For 30 days, you will receive one email daily with Montessori resources, learning, living, and parenting ideas.
- How to make easy changes to your current home environment lending to the Montessori lifestyle
- Montessori parenting 101 and how to implement Montessori parenting at home
- The critical aspects of Montessori so thinking and living with a Montessori foundation becomes second nature
- Daily emails for 30 consecutive days with tips, ideas, resources, & more
- Accessible "to-dos" to transition your home to Montessori
- Loads of resources to access at your disposal
This is a digital product delivered to your email inbox. Nothing physical will ship.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I have questions or want to learn more? Our Facebook Group, Montessori Living & Learning, is a fantastic way to continue your Montessori journey.
Also, continue following my blog, Carrots Are Orange, and please contact me with questions, ideas, support, and more.
I look forward to connecting with you.
💥 See my blog, Carrots Are Orange, for Montessori lessons & ideas.
💌 Subscribe to my newsletter for Montessori goodness delivered to your inbox.
👊🏼 Follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram for more learning and parenting goodness.
📌 TERMS of USE: Please use this material for personal and/or classroom use. Don't distribute the material throughout a school without proper permission and licensing. Thank you.