🎨 Famous Artists Preschool Study
Hook Your Child on Art with this Beautiful Learning Set!
An amazing study of famous artists for preschoolers. There are over 50 pages of learning in this pack, including:
Famous Artists - 3 Part Cards / 22 pairs of the artist to artwork
- Michelangelo / Sistine Chapel
- Botticelli / Primavera
- Da Vinci / Mona Lisa
- Manet / A Bar at Folies-Bergere
- Monet / Sunrise
- Kandinsky / The Blue Rider
- Picasso / Portrait of Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler
- Cassett / The Child's Bath
- Hopper / Automat
- Goya / The Parasol
- Rembrandt / The Storm on the Sea of Galilee
- Van Gogh / Sunflowers
- Dali / The Persistence of Memory
- Kahlo / The Two Fridas
- Mondrian / Tableau
- Warhol / Campbell Soup Cans
- Matisse / Woman with a Hat
- de Kooning / Woman III
- Rousseau / The Centenary of Independence
- Seurat / A Sunday on the Grand Bowl
- Miro / Horse, Pipe, and Red Flower
- Ernst / Ubu Imperator
Movements to Artwork Match including:
- Realism
- Dada
- Romanticism
- Abstract
- Post-Impressionism
- Surrealism
- Impressionism
- Pop Art
- Cubism
Art Writing Practice
- 24 cards with dotted print for tracing
Math Word Problems
- Six total mini stories with a math problem to solve
Math & Art Projects
- Two projects bringing art & math together
You get Lifetime Access to this Art Study Bundle! Any time I update or add to the bundle, you will get notified of the changes and reap the benefits!
See my blog, Carrots Are Orange, for more Montessori lessons & ideas
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TERMS of USE: Please use this material for your personal and/or classroom use. Don't distribute the material throughout a school without proper permission and licensing. Thank you.